Another update (oooooooooh!):
Yesterday I bought several plane tickets with Ryanair... which basically means that my travel plans are now fairly set in concrete.
My first ticket is from rome to london on the 6th of november and then from london to marrakesh (morocco). I figure that seeing as how morocco is so cheap I could spend about a month and a bit there... so on the 13th of december I leave marrakesh for london and go straight from london to berlin where I stay until the end of the month when the folks arrive on their own jaunt through europe.
Sound like fun? I hope so... all I have to do now is find some work in rome for about a month... should be interesting :)
By the way people if my blog needs tweeking in anyway let me know... I do have some good stories so far (like the time stan introduced me to Bozkov rum) but it does become fairly laborious talking about everything so I have tended to paint some broad strokes with this blog... but by all means let me know if there is anything I should detail a bit more.
Yesterday I bought several plane tickets with Ryanair... which basically means that my travel plans are now fairly set in concrete.
My first ticket is from rome to london on the 6th of november and then from london to marrakesh (morocco). I figure that seeing as how morocco is so cheap I could spend about a month and a bit there... so on the 13th of december I leave marrakesh for london and go straight from london to berlin where I stay until the end of the month when the folks arrive on their own jaunt through europe.
Sound like fun? I hope so... all I have to do now is find some work in rome for about a month... should be interesting :)
By the way people if my blog needs tweeking in anyway let me know... I do have some good stories so far (like the time stan introduced me to Bozkov rum) but it does become fairly laborious talking about everything so I have tended to paint some broad strokes with this blog... but by all means let me know if there is anything I should detail a bit more.
Hello Doctor!
Sounds like your having a fun time skipping through europe. I would love to see sum pics from your trip, if you feel like sending a post card (god knows my fridge needs it) then you can send one to GPO Box 881 Canberra City 2601. Well to up date you in my world I broke up with Kat... So I'm a free agent again. Watch out ladies... and Doc ;p Ash.
No shit!?
I dont think this world is big enough to contain the A-Bomb... and maybe I'm right eh?
I am in the process of finding an internet where they can a) post digital photos, and b) understand english... but hopefully i'll get some up within the week... i'll definately send you a postcard soon, just wrote one for phul and let... I only hope you find someone before I get back :) I dont need to be attracting the guys (its not good for my ego) besides the fact that I'm in Austria- the gay germany... never walked into so many clothing stories where I cant differentiate between women and mens clothes!
Hey, goin well huh? Andspending some time in London, you could go visit Lee! Actually I've met her boyriend, he's really cool. So Loretta and I are spending up making house home, I'm buying my music making pc soon!! And our enormous love seat so we'll be even less sociable :)
I want to hear about the rum adventures...
(by the way flash, womans panties are exploding all over Brisbane with the news that you're single, very awkward)
Nulus runs past naked saying feed me...
Nulus runs past naked? There go those woman and their exploding panties again....
I'm actually spending a max of 1 day in London (which I will spend entirely in the airports!)... its way too expensive there, and I have no visa so if I do run out of cash I'm forked (bit o scottish there!)...
love seat is good, as long as I get a couch to myself eh? and as long as you guys dont make love in it in front of me eh? otherwise I may have to take photos and post them on the internet... i'll change my blog name to "the sex chair" and ask for donations from people... hmmm, that could work :)
hey nulus, I wont feed you but I will lend you a pair of pants... i'll have no nudity on my blog... at least not until it becomes "the sex chair"...
YAY sex chair
come on every one chant with me sex chair sex chair, gooooooooo sex chair! go sex chair, go sex chair, go gooo go!
hey you think it has cache Flash?
because if enough people are keen on the idea (no matter how stupid it is) I have to go through with it... sorry phil...
ah you guys allways thinking about sex and nudity well ill tell you i wont have a bar of it unless the women are really sexy. Have you met any sexy ladies yet doc send one home for me please. All this talk about house making mates has got me thinking you guys sux, but just like the saying goes you can choose you family but you cant choose your friends.So i guess im stuck with you guys.
p.s. peop dont take me seriously i have delusions of grandeur lol
hey I'm working on the ladies, its not easy when they dont understand you and their italian... I need to find the variety that are eastern european and dont understand me... check back with me when I get to Croatia :)
PS: J I never take you seriously anymore, you know that!
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